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You can expect

Comprehensive Program

  • 3 Theme-related workshops 
  • 3 Co-creation meetings for collaborative exchange
  • 1 Four-day symposium in Silicon Valley
  • Free company analysis on Futures Literacy competence

Access to an Extensive Network

  • Interaction with the German research landscape and innovation experts
  • Learning from innovators and educators from Stanford and Silicon Valley’s unique ecosystem
  • Cultivated network of key actors from academia and industry related to innovation


  • Innovation Culture
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • Futures Literacy


  • Cost-effective opportunity to learn more about innovation and experience Silicon Valley
  • TNCC is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and therefore free of charge (participants only need to cover their own travel expenses)

It is becoming increasingly urgent for German companies and institutions to build a sustainable innovation culture to take part in the rapid developments shaping the future. The "Trans-Nation Co-Creation" project was established to help innovation drivers support new ideas within their organizations. It aims to foster innovation through the building blocks of research, further education, and cooperation:

Trans-Nation represents an active transatlantic knowledge transfer between the innovation hotspot Silicon Valley and locations in northern and southern Germany. This approach aims to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange among diverse participants, benefit from international perspectives, and help organizations identify global trends early. Collaboration at a transnational level opens new opportunities for developing innovative solutions and accessing different markets.

Co-Creation stands for the interaction of participants with scientific experts and their integration into innovation, development, and learning processes. By acting as an interface between academia and industry, this approach operates at an intersection often associated with consistent innovation. This framework further develops potential success factors by fostering an innovative mindset, making the processes of innovation more tangible and teachable, and guiding participants through targeted learning experiences toward their own innovative contributions.

Peer Learning represents the exchange of knowledge between companies and institutions of varied sizes and industries, established companies and startups, as well as exchanges with the scientific community. Participants learn from each other, reflect on their own position through a change of perspective, and test innovative forms of collaboration. This is complemented by intensive personal dialogue and interactive work in small groups. Participants thus gain practical insights and are brought together with innovation drivers facing similar challenges.

Analog Digital Networks are the cooperation structures that enable versatile knowledge transfer. They strengthen the group’s information base and promote the sharing of ideas. Online offerings keep peer learning groups connected between face-to-face meetings and allow for the immediate exchange of experiences, results, and objectives. This blended approach fosters continuous engagement and innovation among participants, enabling them to access a wider range of resources and expertise, and creating synergies that help compensate for organization-specific disadvantages.

The overarching goal of this project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is to systematically convey the Innovation Mindset necessary for developing an innovation culture, to make innovation tangible and learnable, and to guide German companies and start-ups through targeted learning processes, enhancing their contribution to their organization’s innovation.

In addition to cultivating important future competencies, the project aims to enhance technology and innovation transfer, assisting participants in supporting each other’s innovative ideas and implementations.

These objectives are enhanced by closely linking the project with Silicon Valley, a region known for fostering innovation.


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A project of the Institute for Performance Management at Leuphana University Lüneburg, funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research).