Michael Spitzenberger

momo hört zu e.V.

momo hört zu e.V. promotes a culture of non-judgmental listening, inspired by Michael Ende's "Momo". The LISTENING ROOM in Munich, specially developed by architecture students, offers a protected space for conversations with trained listeners. The digital product is the MOMO Training, a 10-week online course that teaches empathetic listening through daily MOMOLOGS and live sessions, establishing a new routine. Goal: To strengthen connection, self-reflection, and social togetherness and support for one another.

Fun Fact

Last year, two schoolgirls came to the LISTENING ROOM and asked: "What do you do here?" - "We listen without judgment." After being completely surprised and hesitating briefly, they shared their stories for over an hour. They visibly left the room relieved, fully trusting that everything said would stay there forever.